Saturday, May 28, 2005

A dash of me

I live and grew up on a little island in Asia. This island is the miniature and milder version of New York City. I like where I grow up, but sometimes it can get quite tiresome. Last year, I almost moved to NYC for an internship with a publishing house. Now I am going to school in Hawaii.

I love to write and would love to be able to travel too. I believe in giving my best in all that I do. Like the person next to you, I too have my own ideals and am individualistic. I want to live life to the fullest of it ability, and I believe if I try to, I can. I am not a believer with the theory of living my life for others because, I don't want to have to say, " If only I had done this/that."

I don't want to have regrets in life. I like and enjoy meeting new people, I find that the experience is refreshing and very exciting.